Thursday, May 18, 2017

Pixo Blaster Review – Skyrocketing Conversions with Stronger Promotional Videos

Pixo Blaster Review – Skyrocketing Conversions with Stronger Promotional Videos

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In popular culture, we use it as a metaphor for describing a pixo blaster review as good
- we say this is the Rolls Royce of the XYZ industry. That is how you would
describe the best possible thing.
It is globally positioned as simply the best. When you drive a Rolls Royceyou have a different identity. You pull up to a meeting in a Rolls, you're treated
differently than ifyou pull up in the BMW or in a Honda Civic or whatever.You're viewed differently. You're viewed as a success. You're viewed asbeing significant. People notice this car.
This stuffis whatyou're reallypaying the $200,000 extrafor.It's not the fact that there might be a slightly different grain of leather or an
extra four cylinders in the motor on some models.It's all this intrinsic value.
So, here's the thing...Ifwe want to raise prices and want to beable to charge higher fees and close those bigticket sales, the first step we need to do to
increase profits is to increase our intrinsicvalue.Again, I'm going to state it for the 900th
time - none of this stuff can make up for not fulfilling on your promises to your pixo blaster review.
So no matter what we do, none of this is intended to be prescribed as a trick
to be able to make up for having a crappy product or service. Itjust won't work.
Itmight work for a short time butitwon't work longterm.
I know you know this, butIjust want to make it abundantly clear.
get back to work.
Page 13
So let's
The PowerofIntrinsic Value
So why is this a big deal?
Why is increasing intrinsic value going to boost your profits more than
anything else?
First ofall...
Increasingintrinsic value allowsyou to charge more- and
price is the numberonefactor inprofitability.
People talk about conversion and all of this kind of stuff, but let's say your
conversion rate stayed the same; your cost to acquire a customer stayed the
same; your cost to fulfill your services stayed
the same; but you doubled your price.
We need to focus on how we can charge
more instead of just little breakthroughs like
"Should we change the headline?" or "Should we use a different blogging
software?" or whatever.
That's not a breakthrough.
Figuring out ways to charge more to close these high-ticket things, that's a
What would happen to your profits?
They'd double - boom, just like that.
That's where that top 1% is that really wants to make it.
Think about this - we'll go back to the cars. Every time Ferrari comes outwith a new car, for example, the car sells out before it is even shipped from Italy
to the United States.The new model is already gone and there are people paying $50,000 -
$60,000 over sticker price just to have the car when it comes out.
Now the sales person doesn't have to try.
So a Ferrari salesman when a new car comes
out, when the 458 or whatever the last one was
came out, they were in heaven. Because they
just stood around and took orders for above
sticker.There was no negotiation. There was no effort. The demand is so highbecause the intrinsic value of that car has been built up so much to its loyal fansthat they're crazy about it.The same thing happens with the iPhone. New iPhone comes out - the firstday it's out, the second day it's out, people stand in line to get the new iPhone.Half of them already have an iPhone. So they're paying extra to get what's
basically a carbon copy of the thing they've already got, but it's new and it's
exciting. And it has all this intrinsic value.
By the way did you hear the thing about how the last time the new iPhones
came out, people were hiring homeless dudes to stand in line for them?
Then the homeless dudes started fighting over who could stand in line forwho. It's kind of crazy.
• You want to whip your marketplace up into that much of a frenzy.
• You want to make your fans love you that much.
Well, all ofthis has to do with intrinsic value. Let's keep rocking.
Intrinsicvalue also increases the effectiveness
ofyour sales process.Let's go back to Apple. They didn't have to try to sell you the phone at the
store.They're like, "Oh you want a phone, go stand outside in line with all theseother people and we will let you in when it's your turn."
Does the Ferrari guy have to try to sell the new model of the Ferrari when it
comes out?
Hell no. He's like; "Yeah well you know it's going to cost you about $50,000
more than what it says on the window ofthe car."And there's guys fighting over it every single time it happens.
Ithappens with all ofthe high line. With everything.Why is this?
Because the intrinsic value is built up so much. So all of this stuff matters.
Let me illustrate itjust a little more.
We'll talk about profits here - that's what the little dollar signs represent inthe diagram.This is affected by two things.
Over on the left is efficiency of process.That means ifwe use a red button instead
of a blue button on our checkout page, wemight get a couple percentage points more.Well, that matters.The other side of that is price. If wedouble the price and everything else stays
consistent, we have doubled the business.
Every factor of price that you increase with all other things staying the same
and remaining constant - that's how much you grow your business.Both ofthese things are fueled by increasing intrinsic value.
Both ofthe main profitdrivers arefueled by
the increase in intrinsic value.
Howto BuildIntrinsic ValueThe question we now have to ask is how do we build intrinsic value?
The answer to that is we build it through positioning.
Now I want you to think about positioning differently. Usually, when wethink about it, we think about big brands, brand positioning and all that.It's pretty cool butwe're not in that pixo blaster review.
Ifyou're reading this book, you're probably in the information business. Wework with people to help them get a better result - whether that's in business,their relationships, diet, fitness, whatever it is.
So let's talk about how this matters to you and me.
First of all let's identify some magnetic positioning; some basic positioningthat will draw your people to you.
One of those is exclusive, right? We want what other people don't have. We
want to be exclusive - it makes us feel significant.Another one is rare. It's right up
there with exclusive. Look atdiamonds. They're rare allegedly there's that whole conspiracy thing;who knows? But that drives it.
Being different to a degree. Being '
exciting is magnetic positioning.
Original is magnetic positioning.
Contrarian is magnetic positioning.
One of my favorites is Dan. Mean old Dan Kennedy. One of my earliest
mentors and a mentor to this day.He's notorious for being contrarian - he argues with everybody in terms oftraditional media. His whole positioning is, "Look, allyou big ad agencies are
idiots. Everythingyou're doing is wrong. Ican do a hundred times better thanyoucan." And he's right, for the record.

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