SiteSync Review – Backup your site in a few clicks
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down the page are your sitesync review nameservers, in case you ever need areminder
of what they are.If you want to create custom nameservers (rather than use the
one’s assigned to youwhen you created your account) then there is an option for
that here, but you will haveto upgrade to the Business Plan which is a Paid
account plan costing $200 per month.One thing is interesting called
"DNSSEC" DNS Security you can enable it in a freeaccount. It is an
extra layer of security thru DNS records within CloudFlare.
thinkabout as a phonebook of the internet links to the person name to the phone
number.DNS Security ensures the correct name pointing to the phone number. No
one else canpretend to be your particular site. There is a hacking technique
called DNS spoofing thatbeen used in the past. DNS Security make sure every
request coming in for your site isonly served by your nameservers alone.
Up DNS Security s quite involvesprocess and it’s not that take very long in the
next video. DNSSEC or DNS Security Believe it or not even your nameservers can
be hacked and spoofed. CloudFlare includes the DNSSEC option to stop this
happening even on the free account.
is an extra layer of security that ensures that no one else can ‘spoof’ your
nameservers, pretending their site is yours, or their email is coming from your
webserver. Think of the DNS as a phonebook of the internet that links a site to
the owner. DNSSecurity simply ensures the correct name is pointing to correct
site. i.e. No one else canpretend to be your particular site. To use DNS
Security click on the enable DNSSEC button.
will give you a list of codes: • DS Record • Digest • Digest Type • Algorithm •
Public Key • Key Tag • Flags These are the keys that we need to provide to sitesync review. Each Registrar is different so you will need to check with
your domain registrar to see where it can be setup, they will usually have a
tutorial video to who you how to do so, or offer to do it for you once you
provide them with the codes.
you use NameCheap then go to the Advanced DNS for your domain, click on the
radio button next to “Status” to switch DNSSEC on and simply fill in the codes
from CloudFlare in to the corresponding fields and choose the corresponding
options from the drop down lists, then click the save option (green tick).
Note: Make sure you get the codes right and double check that you don’t end up
with extra blank spaces at the beginning or end of the codes.
you have saved the new settings head back to CloudFlare and click on continue.
You will see a message that the DNSSec is pending while they wait for the DS to
be added at your registrar, it usually takes around 10 minutes, but can take
longer depending on your registrar. Once it is updated it will show a green
tick and say “Success” and your site is now protected from DNS spoofing.
CloudFlare Web Application Firewall blocks more bad traffic than any other
firewall. Let's make sure that your domain is using it too.Tweaking
YourFirewall - how to block or challenge either by country or IP address.Now
let's take a look of the Firewall Settings now in the CloudFlare. You can
access itby clicking the top level of the screen "Firewall"
button.The first setting is basically the "Security Level" with a
"medium" default with very gooddefault setting for regular use.The
"I'm Under Attack" will only ever be used when if you are actually
under a DdoS(Distributed Denial of Service) Attack, as it means every visitors
to your site is going tobe challenged immediately by CloudFlare, which will be
very bad for regular use.Basically it means everyone visiting your site will
face a challenge to prove that they area real human visitor.High is an
increased baseline on CloudFlare’s scoring system for incoming
traffic.Basically what CloudFlare do is analyze all of the incoming IP
addresses and lots ofinformation on a scoring system from zero to 100, but the
highest CloudFlare have everreported is apparently a score of 80 from a
threatening IP address, and a zero forunthreathening IP Address for a
visitor.If the incoming visitor has a high score they will face a captcha style
challenge forverification.
of higher than Zero that can be based in a visitors incoming country, or
browserset up, or based on their IP address, there's a lot of things that can
increase that score.So the "High" setting is seldom necessary.Whereas
"Medium" will challenge visitors with a score that is greater than 40,
which isa good range to start. Next we can decide how long the "Challenge
Passage" will last.What that means is if someone is challenged and
presented with a captcha to provethat they are human, then how long do you want
the cookie to last for that visitor to beable to access your site without being
challenged again.The default is 30mins and you can set it up 1 month, we
recommend making it longerthan 30 minutes, and 8 hours tends to be a good sitesync review .Next we have the "IP Firewall" and the "Web Application
Firewall".Although the Web Application Firewall is a “Pro Plan” (paid)
option only, on the free planyou can turn on the "Browser Integrity
Check".This is to evaluate HTTP headers from your visitors browsers for
threats. If a threat isfound a block page will be delivered instead of your
regular site/content.Make a note of exactly where this setting is as it can
cause problems, and if you doenable it and then experience any problems with
your site then switch this off to doublecheck whether it is the cause of the
problem.In "IP Firewall" we can add three things:IP address, IP Range
Or a Country Name or a Country Code You can add your own list of IP Addresses
here with a different "Actions", including: • Whitelist • Block •
CAPTCHA • JavaScript ChallengeYou should start by adding your own IP address
and making sure it is whitelisted so thatyou don’t end up getting your self
locked out of your own site somehow.You can find out what your own IP address
is simpy by going to and typingin “What is my IP address” and it
will show your public IP address.When you whitelist your own IP there is also
the option of whether you whitelist the IPaddress for just this website, or all
your websites on CloudFlare, which is very useful ifyou manage multiple
websites through CloudFlare Note: If your ISP provides you with dynamic IP
addresses then this is less useful asyour IP address will change regularly.
It’s unlikley the you will get your IP blocked, and ifyou do it just means you
will face a captcha challenge.Another important use of this is to allow the IPs
of the services you use to access yourwebsite.We recommend that you whitelist
IP addresses of certain services (APIs, crawlers,payment providers, etc.) to
access your site on a regular basis by creating an AccessRule.To create an
Access Rule, follow these steps:1. Log into your CloudFlare Dashboard.2. Click
the Firewall app in the top menu.3.
Access Rules, enter the IP, IP range, or two-letter country code of theservice
you wish to whitelist.4. Select the option you want in the drop down, add a
label (i.e. Payment Gateway),and then click Add Note: blocking by country code
is only allowed on the Enterprise level plan (paid), youcan use a javascript
challenge instead on the free plan. Minify For The Win… Minifying removes unnecessary
characters from your source code (like whitespace, comments, etc.) without
changing its functionality.
can reduce source file sizes lowering the amount of data that needs to be
transferred to visitors and improves page load times. Google gives preference
in ranking to site with higher load speeds, increasing your site’s overall
ranking score.Performance options can be found under the 'Speed' section: Cloud
Flare is not only responsible for security for a website, it's can also greatly
speed up how fast your WebPages load. This has two benefits for your sites: The
first is “Search Engine Optimization” - Google ranks the pages that load faster
higher in the search engine rankings.
second way is in your "Conversions”, as visitors are far less likely to
spend time on a site that is slow to deliver the content they are looking for. In
other words, the slower your pages load, the more likely a visitor is to leave
quickly. The advantage with CloudFlare is that this is all done through their
network, so there’s no need to add third party cache plugins which in
themselves put extra load on your own server. With CloudFlare you simply do not
need to install your own cache plugin, its all taken care of for you with the
following simple steps.
if you are using caching plugins then they may conflict with the CloudFlare
options, so use one or the other, not both! The first section is "Auto
Minify". "Minification" is a process where you remove all the
whitespace in a file and just keep all the actual text for loading by the web
browser. So you can remove the spaces in files like: JavaScript, CSS and HTML
can speed up your webpage load speed significantly on it’s own
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