Video Bookmarker 2.0 Review – Hundreds of links to page 1 of
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are some facts you need to remember about writing video bookmarker 2.0 review . All you need know about
any topic, all the information you need to write any article is already FOUND
free on the internet. This is a very important thing to remember. Because it
means anyone can craft an article about any topic using information already on
the internet.
If you
know your topic well, then you can just go ahead and write it from knowledge in
your head. If you don’t, then this simple article formula will reveal simple
proven steps you can use today to write articles FAST. Here’s a quick overview
of the process. First you pick an article title, spend 5- 10 minutes to do a
quick research, then you outline your article.
that you spend 10 – 30 minutes to generate the article. All the tools,
templates and strategies needed to achieve this are revealed in this guide.
Now, here’s how to do it, step by step. For example, is I am writing an article
titled- how to catch rats without traps, I can introduce the article with this
line. This short article reveals a proven way to catch and eliminate rats and
other dangerous rodents in your home without using traps.
reading this article, you won’t need to waste money on expensive traps. Then
after the introduction, just type or fill out the words and sentences need for
each step. Explain each step. Or flesh out each point presented in the article.
This should be from the research you have made …or if you know the topic, from the
information you have in your head.
my experience, article with steps or video bookmarker 2.0 review are the easiest to write. This is
because you are only working on one step at a time. Or one item at a time.
Articles with steps and lists, also guide you from straying from the heart of
the article. It forces you to fulfil the promise made in the article title. A
good example is how to bake a cake. Another example is the title of this guide
you’re reading. (How to write a brand new article on any topic).
good example of a list article is …10 things you must know about baking. Or 5
things you must know about writing articles. This is quite different compared
to articles without steps and list. But in all, always strive to present your
articles in steps and list formats. It makes your job easy. Edit And Polish
After you are done with writing the article, the next step is to edit and polish
it up.
involves making corrections to grammar and spelling errors. It also involves shortening
sentences- making them concise. So check through your work. Correct errors.
Read it out loud to yourself and spot places where sentences and paragraphs
doesn’t flow. Smoothen out these places. Make your sentences brief and to the
point. Trim off unnecessary words. All of these will make your article punchy
and valuable to readers. The end.
Sure Places To Uncover Article Ideas The strategy to follow here is simply…
Look For Popular Questions People Ask In The Niche The best way to find questions
people have in any niche is to look for places where people in the niche
congregate and talk freely. And these places include: 1. The Online Forum.
People speak freely on Online forums hence it is the best place to mine article
ideas. So look for an online forum in your niche or on your topic and write
look for online forums in your niche just to go and type “niche
forum”. For example if you want to write about video bookmarker 2.0 review, just search for
“divorce forum”. This will bring many divorce forums where people who are
divorced or planning to divorce, gather to talk freely, share ideas and ask
questions about divorce. Go to the search button and search for the following
do I” “What is the solution” “Where can I” “Who can advise me on” “I am
frustrated with” “I am in pains” Questions like these reveals needs or problems
people have. Take huge notes and discover the different needs, pains, and
frustrations people have in the niche. Spend time to read the first post in the
treads so you can see questions people habe in the niche. Read the posts and
the comments. Pick up problems.
down that pains and frustrations. 2. Facebook Groups And Pages Another place to
find questions and uncover article ideas is in Facebook groups and pages around
your niche or topic. People join groups around their interests. And in these
groups they ask questions about the topic. You can write articles answering
these questions.
topic under the sun has a Facebook group. So go to Facebook and search for a
group where prospects in your niche are congregating. Search for the main
keywords in your niche to find these groups. Request to join the group, when
you are accepted, dig in and start looking at everything people are asking and
closed groups are usually better because people don’t spam in closed groups.
When you are accepted into the group, start noting the various difficulties and
problems people talk about. Note down the pain they have. The problems they
need solutions for.
Use the
search button on the group page to search for questions like … “How do I” “What
is the solution” “Where can I” “Who can advise me on” “I am frustrated with” “I
am in pains” Questions like these reveals needs or problems people have. Also
look out for posts with many comments. If many people talk about something…many
people are interested in it. You can just scroll through all the post and
comments to see reoccurring problems and needs.
them all on a notepad or word processor. See an example below. Use the search
bar to find specific niche groups on Facebook. When you find a group you like,
request to join. After you get accepted, start searching for needs and
problems. This is how to make a search. When you search the group using the
phrases above, you’ll find needs, problems and questions you can write about.
Here’s a product idea from this.
look for the Facebook group posts with lots of comments and reactions. Type in
different questions….and find the one with lots of people talking. Spend some
time to look through and take note of all the problems people have. These
problems are article ideas. 3. Popular Blog Post Comment Sections Popular blog
and blog posts in your niche or topic reveal article ideas.
if people love an article, they will love to read more about it. So if you can
find a popular article, you can write you own version or you can add your own
opinion or idea to the topic. How do you find popular topics in any niche? Use This is a site that aggregates the most popular articles and
resources in any niche.
go to the site and search for the main keywords in your niche. The site will
reveal the most popular article people love in your niche.
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