WPDigiPro Review – Increase your sales of digital products
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As I said at the start of this wpdigipro review , you don't have to try writing your
headline all in one go. I prefer to write down words and phrases, fragments
and ideas first, and then later on I'll put together maybe 10 or 15 headlines
based on these words, phrases and ideas.
If you're short on time, the trick to speedy headline writing is to pick the
fragments and ideas that are most likely to grab your prospect's attention,
arouse their curiosity and make them go, “Hmm... what IS this?”... and then
put those ideas together into a coherent and compelling headline.
If possible, I'd
start off with the hook, the idea that is going to ignite their
curiosity. Then, I'd write down specific words and phrases that speak directly
to my target audience. For example, if you're aiming for “internet marketers”,
those might be...
By the way, be careful with words and phrases that might sound “spammy” to
your target audience. “Working from home” might have negative connotations
in the mind of your audience, provoking more skepticism than other phrases
such as “being your own boss”.
Next, I'd
write down words and phrases that describe the end results the
prospect wants. For an “internet marketing” product, these might be “make
$x,xxx a month”, “work from home”, “be your own boss”, “run your own
business”, “have the time and freedom to...”
For a beauty wpdigipro review, they could be “look and feel younger”, “become more
appealing to the opposite sex”, “have more confidence / selfrespect”, “feel
work in your hook and/or your story. Get in the human element that
creates the compelling curiosity. If you're going to get your “before and after
story” into the headline,
think of words and phrases that would describe you
before you had the results: Ugly, Fat, Skinny, Geeky, Shy, etc.
Have fun with it. Go nuts. You don't have to use all or even any of these words
and ideas, but they might spark additional ideas you
do use. “Fat, ManRepelling 160 Pound Female Monster...”
Do the same for
after you got the results: Beautiful, Skinny, Babe Magnet, Man
Attractor, Sexy, Ripped, Pure Muscle, Fit, Smarter, Genius, etc.
It also helps not simply to think of words that might describe you before and
after, but also to think of analogies and comparisons for what you were
before and after; i.e. you were like a “160 pound female monster” until you
made your weight loss breakthrough, and now you're a “lean, mean manattracting machine”. I don't care how cheesy they sound, get 'em down on
paper. They might spark further ideas for use in your headline or copy. (75%
of copywriting is about coming up with the right ideas and knowing what
thoughts to convey to the reader. 40.2% of all stats are also made up.)
Now write a juicy headline that gets in the hook, maybe tells the “before and
after story”, or conveys the benefits of what they're about to discover. Promise
them a tantalising story, or amazing secrets, or both. Appeal to as many
human motivators as you can.
Remember, there is no
one single correct headline for your product. A
headline does its job if it grabs your target audience's attention, compels them
to start reading the wpdigipro review, and signals that what they're about to read is
profoundly relevant and interesting to them personally.
One final thing. Your headline is ultimately making a promise. When you tease
them with a story they feel they want to hear, make sure you tell that story in
your copy. If you're promising them amazing secrets, share some of them in
your copy, although you can reserve your best secrets and techniques for
within the product itself. Don't trick them into reading, by using a headline
that is unrelated to your copy.
Here's a simple formula to keep in mind that will help you create effective
headlines that hook in your target audience:
In other words, if you use words and phrases that speak directly to your target
audience, arouse insatiable curiosity in them through a “hook” and/or suggest
a compelling story that would be interesting, relevant and even entertaining to
them, and talk about the results that they ultimately want, then you've
probably got yourself a winning headline
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