Wednesday, June 14, 2017


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If you are not confident that you have general visualsuite review knowledge and are aware of your responsibilitiesin relation to record keeping, taxation, insurance and government regulations, you should seek advicebefore starting your new venture. I cannot provide such advice for you.Here is a checklist to help you through the procedures if you wish to import:
First do your research - as far as possible make sure that there really is a profitable market forthe product/s you are thinking of importing. If you choose to ignore this point, I suggest that youmay be heading for financial disaster. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this point.
Locate a suitable supplier (preferably several) and obtain a quote for the items that interest you,ensuring that the quote includes price, delivery and availability. Even if they have provided youwith a price list, you must ask for a quote before deciding to place an order.
Make sure that the product/s comply with any regulations, quota restrictions, etc. At least foryour first few transactions you should seek specialist advice, usually from your customs broker.
Email or fax the supplier to place an order. Be sure to provide full details of the product youintend ordering, and refer to their quote that you are accepting. Also request a Pro Forma invoice[See 33.15].
Once you receive the Pro Forma invoice, make sure that all the details such as price, dispatchdate, and freight method, as well as payment terms are as agreed in previous discussions orcorrespondence. In practice, a Pro Forma invoice functions as a sales agreement, and no otherform of agreement is necessary.
Carefully confirm the order in writing using fax or email. It is essential that your order shouldgive exact details regarding quantity, quality, price, freight method, freight terms, dispatch date,as well as any specific requirements such as packaging, weight, colors, size, etc. Your ordershould include a request for confirmation. It is also important to specify that the supplier mustnotify you upon dispatch. If using email, set your email program to require a read receipt.
Once you receive from the supplier written confirmation of the order, which might be in the formof a revised Proforma Invoice, check it thoroughly, and then arrange payment as required. Thiscould involve obtaining an L/C, or possibly advance payment in full, or payment of 30% or 50%deposit, with the balance payable prior to dispatch or upon receipt of goods, depending uponhow successfully you have negotiated the terms. If you delay organizing payment, you will
inevitably delay visualsuite review.
At the time of making payment you should remind the supplier that you must have a commercialinvoice to accompany the goods. You should also ask for a copy via email or fax. Air couriers orfreight forwarders will not accept any goods without such an invoice. If using EMS, you shouldspecify that one copy of the commercial invoice should be attached to the outside of the parceland one copy should be packed inside the parcel.
As you will most likely be using the services of a customs broker, when you receive notificationof dispatch, you must immediately advise them of the details of the shipment including AWB[See 33.1] number, tracking number [See 33.17], or EMS [See 33.7] number and be sure toprovide them with a copy of the commercial invoice.
If you are importing without the help of a customs broker, you just await notification by theairline, courier service, or postal authorities and then proceed to clear the goods throughCustoms…… but again, do-it-yourself customs clearance is not recommended. If the shipmentis by EMS and the value is below the threshold set by your Customs authorities (see thesubsection “Another way to avoid a lot of red tape” in visualsuite review 3 - Rules and Regulations) thepostal service will usually do the customs clearance work for you.
Immediately upon receipt of the goods, check them for compliance with your specifications. Ifyou find errors in any way, such as quality failings or shortages in quantity, notify the supplier
immediately. In most case, reputable suppliers will usually do their best to remedy the problem.Sometimes a photograph may help to satisfy them that your complaint is reasonable.
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